Most people who go there would boast of the
beautiful tea farms, the illustrious hills
and mountains, but the real beauty is seen
looking into the faces of it’s children.
These little ones have needs. Their fathers
are tea pluckers who pick the leaves we delightfully drink
every time we enjoy our tea. In this region
a plucker would make one dollar per day.
This would be enough for food but there would be nothing
left for anything anymore.
Please help me ensure these little ones
continue to get help. Last year they received
uniforms, dental supplies, coloring books and
crayons. This year our goal is to make sure
they have school supplies and books. We have
about 45 children that need assistance.
God has given me a heart to love and encourage others,
a message to minister to their needs and
provide them real access to him. It is a
reminder of the True Lover that he has for
them and the hope which must continue to resonate in their
Help us administer Love, Hope, Encouragement
and Joy with your Donations. and Put smiles
on tiny faces.