S T R E T C H I N G so GOD can use ME!

Have you ever been stretched before? Have you ever had to get outside of yourself to be yourself? You know the self that God created you to Be! Because there is a Divine Destiny for you…which God gives the details, the instructions and navigation specifics for? Have you ever had to change your mind about everything you knew to be true because your realized that everything about you was conceptionally too small for what God was speaking into your Spirit? Have you ever considered that what you know… is not enough, …so it drives you to seek the Master for more Divine Revelation, because it will take His mind to put everything into perfect perspective for you? Do you feel like that child again…riding in the car asking Daddy everything….because I’ve gotta have more….I’ve gotta have more….I must have MORE! Have you ever looked around you and realized that this physical place is too LIMITING, it’s too CONFUSING, it’s too RESTRICTIVE….Whew….because you know what you’ve heard from the SPIRIT REALM, You know what you’ve Tasted from HEAVENS BAKERY, and you know you were in THE SPIRIT ON THE LORD’S DAY! Do you feel like taking off and RUNNING because God is just that GOOD and you want to tell SOMEBODY…………ANYBODY……………EVERYBODY…………….~Whew!!!!Is it hard to sleep at night, because you know someone else needs to hear from God and they are struggling…so you begin to pray for that, someone that you don’t know in the physical, but you’ve met in the spirit…just so you could intercede on their behalf? Has your mission gotten bigger for God, have you left off from chasing Pipe dreams, which were rooted in the natural so you could take possession of the Destiny set before you and see FULL MANIFESTATION occur in the SUPERNATURAL PORTAL of GOD’S DIVINE FOR YOU? Are you looking for your KAIROS to occur (Anytime Now) in it’s Season and ARE YOU READY…for it’s coming? Whew! I came to tell you that I am right there…I even have the stretch marks to prove it! Sometimes we don’t want the evidence to be so real of what God is doing but BELIEVE me God knows exactly what He is doing! Everything costs something!~ We always speak about how the anointing costs something but many times we are the very ones who aren’t willing to pay! I have been paying for a long time and I KNOW, GOD is doing something mighty in my life! Everything has changed for me….I have had to lose my mind, so God could give me the mind of Christ! I have had to lose interest in the cares and concerns for mundane things so GOD could give me His perspective on SUPERNATURAL THINGS! The Manifold Wisdom of God unfolds when you Open to receive it! I found out that i didn’t even know me like God knows me….so why I am I concerned for myself, when He knows me…better than I know myself…and He can do with me….what I can’t even do with myself! And if He designed me then why do I try to orchestrate my steps…when He has has so Divinely ordered them…in right paths! His word is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path…Vision came alive inside of me when I began to allow God to set the values for my sight! What do you see God? How should I respond to that which I have seen…He is so specific and He is so into the details! He is so Creative! He is so Artistic! His design is Awesome and I want to be used by Him in every way He deems necessary! So I Aspire to be….what, He made me to be! I Aspire to go where, He leads me to go! I Aspire to speak what, He gives me to speak! I Aspire to fulfill His Perfect Destiny for Me and since He designed me, fashioned me, loved on me, blew into me, speaks to me, dreams in me, brings me into a realm that only He knows it’s whereabouts,…a secret place…and brings me back, when He say’s …I have had enough… for now…Whew!….I can now appreciate every stretch mark for His Glory! Stretching doesn’t feel good, but it is necessary for your growth, stretching may not always look good to others…but since they don’t know God’s process, why are you, so concerned with their analogies! Stretching is designed to bring you into a place that you have never been before…and since you don’t know it’s whereabouts or attributes it’s imperative that you trust God for it’s Concept!… He Knows!!!!!!!!Don’t hide your Spiritual Stretch Marks…they are proof that you are Expecting something…and it’s coming into full view….in the very Near future! Blessing’s Unto you as you begin to allow God to stretch you for Greatness!© Deborah Fleming March 2009

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